
p (i) l o t architecture platform is a communication and culture platform generated by students from the University of Architecture and Urbanism ''Ion Mincu'' Bucharest. The main purpose is to generate discussions among people with ideas and similar interests: Architecture, Design, Urbanism, Arts, Culture, Sociology. The environment is one of informal discussions. ''Spoken lessons, without formality, antiacademic without stylistic and literary ambitions, full of repetitions and the formulation of fleeting thoughts, interrupted by reversals which stray, strolling along the drawing boards.''*

The p(i)lot magazine is a collection of articles written by students, professors and professionists which exclusively published within this magazine. It is structured in four points starting with the main one called Symposium, a public discussion translated into virtual space. The second point is the Interview  which is seeks to bring the outside (in a broader social and often different cultural context) opinions, attitudes and examples. Concept refers to articles of interest which have new ideas, issues and current paradigms. In complementarity, Archive contains articles which have been published, forgotten, lost, although their content is still the current one.

Using walls to bring down walls is an electronic public library whose purpose is to bring closer the information necessary to build an inspiring background to the p(i)lot project.The library covers a wide range of areas and is formed in a subjective way. We want this information to develop in the form of an exchange and our proposal interests you, we will provide you the right to post.
Our team members organize and participate to numerous events held by important names in architecture and people who have a word or two to say in matters of art and culture, the conference will
later be published in the "Events" section in a media format. The approach addresses a wider range of people, given that architecture has seen a boom in recent years at an ideational level and captured an impressive number of people.

The project targets students and teachers in first instance from the University "Ion Mincu'',
but is open to anyone. We want to open your appetite for architecture and discussion
between all those who are in this profession and not only in order to take advantage of this theoretical and media platform as a source of inspiration for future projects.
In order for the project p(i)lot to succed anyone interested to participate in the construction of this platform is welcome in the community. If you have proposals or any comments do not hesitate to contact us.